Bloody Weirdo Arrested
Who says romance is dead? A Cambodian man has been arrested after injecting a woman with his own blood in a poorly thought-out scheme to win her affections, police said on Wednesday.
The 22-year-old man is being held by police for allegedly causing injury to a 21-year-old woman, said Tan Sophal, a police officer in Battambang province where the attack occurred.
The man allegedly injected a syringe of his blood into the woman's rib cage and waist as she walked home from school, Tan Sophal said.
Heliocentric Lighting
Designer Rob Zinn moves lighting into the future with his Concentric and Expansion XL series. While not in use, the vivid underside of these concentric steel panels remains a bold secret, radiating only a subtle hint of color. When turned on, the light source illuminates the concealed colors, reflecting the hue of each preceding panel. A very simple idea, really, with dramatic results. Aluminum, steel and brass construction make up the bones of this lighting, and they can be either ceiling- or wall-mounted. To fit with your color scheme, they are available in warm or cool palettes, as well as single yellow or blue tones.
A professor is giving the first year medical students their first lecture on autopsies, and decides to give them a few basics before starting.
“You must be capable of two things to do an autopsy. The first thing is that you must have no sense of fear.”
At this point, the lecturer sticks his finger into the dead man’s anus, pulls it out, and then licks it. He asks all the students to do the same thing with the corpses in front of them. After a couple of minutes’ silence, they follow through with his disgusting command.
“The second thing is that you must have an acute sense of observation: How many of you noticed that I stuck my middle finger into the corpse’s anus, but I licked my index finger?”
This might have been better for Pepsi's old "Come alive with Pepsi" campaign
This poster was released in the mid 80s in Australia, the artist, who lost his job and was later sued, decided to place a woman performing a sex act when painting the ice cubes (see right pic) this prompted a total recall of all posters and publicity material, it had gone unnoticed until someone spotted it on the back of a truck
Based on years of research and thousands of design hours, the MetroNaps EnergyPod is the perfect place to quickly and effectively enhance your energy. Designed to be installed almost anywhere, the EnergyPod is a self-contained productivity device. Key features include :-Ergonomic Perfection, The contour of the EnergyPod takes pressure off the cardiac system. Comfortable Privacy, The EnergyPod’s sphere provides semi-privacy without overly enclosing. Soothing Sounds, A built-in music player with headphone jack helps eliminate surrounding distractions. Gentle Waking, A timer found in the arm rest prevents overnapping and wakes the user gently with a combination of lights and vibration.
Site Link HERE
Poseidon Undersea Resort, Fiji
The first Poseidon Undersea Resort will be based on a private island in Fiji, The resort will have 48 luxury beach-front bungalows of 1500 square feet, each with private plunge pools. Other amenities include a nine-hole executive golf course, tennis courts, two fabulous spas, one with underwater treatment rooms; a health club, three restaurants, two bars, a marina, dive center, water sports pavilion and submarine base.
The underwater portion of the resort will be situated in 13 meters (40 feet) of water and will be linked to land with two piers providing access to two elevators. The underwater facilities will include 24 luxury staterooms, a large restaurant and bar/lounge, a library, conference room, wedding chapel, underwater spa, and the Nautilus Suite which is an ultra-luxury accommodation with stunning undersea views that would impress even Capt. Nemo.
Craniofacial Duplication
This baby — with two faces, two noses, two pairs of lips and two pairs of eyes — was born about 30 miles east of New Delhi, India. She is doing well and is being worshipped as the reincarnation of a Hindu goddess Durga, a fiery deity traditionally depicted with three eyes and many arms.
The director of Saifi hospital where she was born Mr Sabir Ali said "She drinks milk from her two mouths and opens and shuts all the four eyes at one time,” apart from that the girl is normal in every other way.
$20 Disposable Cell Phones Coming to Europe
Found on Gizmodo
Phone maker Hop-on Inc. apparently found success at CTIA in Las Vegas with its disposable cell-phone concept, a $20 (7 Euros) phone with no LCD screen that can be thrown away or recycled after use. The company said on Thursday that a European distributor has purchased 10,000 of the phones for an initial test run. The phone uses a Texas Instruments chip set and works on the 900/1800 MHz frequency.
Retinal Imaging Display Glasses Make Terminator Vision Possible.
Found on Gizmodo
Japan-based Brother Industries has created a wearable, portable version of its retinal imaging display (RID) technology, which gives people the chance to see things Terminator-style. How is this different than other HUD glasses we've seen? The new RID prototype attaches to a basic set of spectacles and works by focusing light onto the retina, moving it at high speeds to generate images that look like they exist right in front of the user. Too bad the source box is freaking enormous.
The RID is composed of three parts: the light source, the light scanner and the eyepiece module. The new prototype of the light scanner is roughly the size of a bulky bluetooth headset, about 1000 times smaller than a version Brother showed at EXPO 2005 in Aichi, Japan. Again, the only thing stopping regular users from calling up stats and checking documents only they can see while strolling around town is the size of the light box:
Bear Eat's Fish- Shock, Horror.
'Little' Knut grows up
Germany's celebrity polar bear Knut has triggered a new controversy by fishing out 10 live carp from his moat and killing them in front of visitors.
Critics say Berlin Zoo should not have put live fish inside Knut's enclosure. But German media report that the carp were put there to eat up algae. The speculation is in whether the bear killed for fun, Does it matter? it was being a Polar Bear, which must be pretty tough being stuck in the middle of Europe!.
Canadian man has worlds first eyeball tattoo
This guy had 40 injections in each eye, each enough to cover about a 1/4 inch circle, the dye was injected under the first layer of skin on the eyeball with a syringe after attempts with a normal needle and ink did not work, he reports that all is well but he feels like he has something in his eye. tell you what, check out the crap under those nails, just what you want around all those little cuts in each eye!
Sea Homes of the Future....Today
You can check out these 1/3 home 1/3 boat 1/3 submarine and many other weird and wonderful sea based craft @ http://www.sub-find.com/trilobis65.htm
Giant Starfish Discovery

March 28, 2008—Giant sea stars or starfish that measure 24 inches (60 centimeters) across are held by Sadie Mills, left, and Niki Davey of New Zealand's National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
Collecting Honey From Giant Bees
In Bangladesh's Sundarban Forest, a beekeeper fans smoke into a hive of giant honeybees to calm the swarming insects before collecting their honey. Found in forested areas of the Indian subcontinent, Indonesia, and central China, Apis dorsata, the giant honeybee, grows to nearly an inch (2.5 centimeters) long and builds hives as large as nine feet (three meters) in diameter.
Kid's Having Kid's
Well I am still off work for a week or two so I have been watching out for more candidates for 'Dumbest kid on daytime TV' (see posts below "I really ought to get some work done", KIDS GRRRRRRR ), I got watching the Jeremy Kyle Show from the UK,
This week they have a real live-wire on the show, another who is there for a DNA test to see if this baby is his, he informs us he has doubts that he is but doesn't offer any reason for this doubt. Kyle, the host, before reading the results asks each of the guests "what are the odds of the young man being the father, the mother of the child says 100%, she is certain that he is the dad, Kyle turns to the guy who is almost asleep!, he is THAT alert!, a "huh" and a "what" later Kyle repeats himself, "what are the odds you are the father" "oh" he says " 50/50" Kyle, "based on what?"-
Young man, "based on if I am the father or if I'm not"
Kyle just shakes his head and reads out the result from the card, the guy IS the father, Kyle takes the card and offers it to the guy and says, "so what does it mean?", meaning what does the result mean to you?, how will this affect you?
The 'professor' pauses , looks at the card? and say's now holding the card out for all to see, " It means I am the father"
You couldn't make it up.............................................
Sky Satellite TV carry the channel ITV where you can see The Jeremy Kyle Show, it goes out Mon-Fri 9.25am GMT
Dutch Health Minister Says Marijuana Is Exempt From July 1 Smoking Ban
AMSTERDAM - Dutch health minister Ab Klink said visitors to coffee shops will be free to smoke marijuana as long as it is not mixed with tobacco, after a smoking ban affecting all restaurants and bars goes into effect on July 1.
He was asked what (if anything) would happen to the notorious 'coffee shop's' ( known the world over for the availability of high quality Marijuana and Cannabis resin and pretty nice coffee i might add, no one seems to mention it for some reason?) when the ban kick's in
Current tobacco laws do not cover smoking Marijuana/Cannabis in it's pure form so is not affected by the new law , however being known for their tolerant nature and knowing some customers will prefer to use tobacco in their spliffs and chillums, coffee shop owners are permitted to provide a separate room where tobacco can be smoked, shop staff will not be allowed to serve or work in such areas.
Minister Klint say's he will look into the effect of the ban on coffee shops at the end of 2008 early 2009 including what percentage of cafe's had installed the smoking area's.
Assassin Spider of Madagascar

With its fearsome appearance, poisonous bite, and deadly hunting skill, this newly discovered creature lives up to its name: assassin spider.
Researchers working in Madagascar discovered this and eight other species of assassin spiders—a family of arachnids that feast on other eight-leggers—during a four-year survey of the island nation's forests.
The scientists say these spiders (discovered in 2006) are exquisitely evolved—if grotesque-looking—killers.
The spiders stab their prey with their giant jaws, which are barbed at the ends with venomous fangs. To be able to lift their outsized jaws, the assassins evolved elongated necks, giving the spiders a unique ability to strike from a distance Arachnophobes can relax: Assassin spiders are a mere eighth of an inch (two millimetres) long and are harmless to humans, An 1/8 of an inch, Jeez no wonder it took 4 years to find them.